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Psychological Evaluation Questions

Family on Digital Tablet

General FAQ

Are you able to diagnose an adult with Autism? I was told that it's not possible.

Yes, an adult can be accurately diagnosed with Autism. An understanding of Autism has increased greatly over the past couple decades, as have identifying how symptoms may present differently for different clients. We have experience working with adults and it's never too late to be diagnosed.


How do you know if my child or myself are in need of an evaluation?

If you or your child have struggled and you are unsure of where to start, an evaluation can help identify the root of your struggles and provide individualized recommendations for your health to help improve functioning.

How do I know if my child needs an evaluation or if this is just a normal stage of development?  ​

When you notice your child's behaviors are negatively impacting either your child's or the family's quality of life, then a mental evaluation may be appropriate. Evaluations can help identify what the symptoms are attributed to and help provide recommendations that will target your child's unique health needs.​

What if I don’t want me/my child to have a “label?”

It is common to be concerned about having a "label." In psychology, we often do not consider mental diagnoses "labels," however, we do understand this fear. What may be helpful is understanding that identifying the root of symptoms, also known as a formal diagnosis by a mental health professional, is often what can help identify the best course of treatment for our client's health and better help reach treatment goals for mental health. At the end of the day, the results the evaluation tests give do not change you. You/they are still the same people they were before tests, we just hope to provide a better understanding and a better guide to giving you/your child the appropriate mental health support you need. 


How much is a consultation?

Nothing, the consultation is free. We provide a free 15 minute phone consultation to see if we're the right fit to help you.

Can I be in the evaluation room with my child?

Only the testing client is allowed to be in the room. Your child will be the only one in the office during their appointment.  For psychological evaluations, parents are not present in the room during the evaluation (even in non-pandemic times).

What kind of payment do you accept?

We are paneled with most major insurance companies. Feel free to call or message us to check the eligibility of your health insurance.


We also accept private pay and we can provide you with a "Super Bill" to submit to your company for possible reimbursement.

For Pre-Bariatric psychological evaluations we only accept private pay, but we can provide a Super Bill for you to request reimbursement from your insurance provider.

How do I book a service?

You can complete the online inquiry form below or contact us via phone, email or chat icon to book a service.​

What if I don’t know what service I need?

Complete the inquiry form, call, or email us your information and we will help you to figure out the best service to meet your health needs. 

In what states can you provide services?​

I am currently licensed in California. Only those who reside in California can seek out my help.​

What are the COVID-19 protocols for in-person appointments?

I am fully vaccinated; however, I ask that all individuals coming into the office be completely symptom-free (including "allergy" symptoms, etc.).

Where is your office located?

200 W. Bullard Ave, Suite A4

Clovis CA 93612

When do you schedule in-person appointments? 

Monday - Friday.

What is the difference between a psychological evaluation, a psychological assessment and psychological testing?

While all three have slightly different meanings they’re typically all interchangeable in terms of what we do. Whether you hear us refer to our services as an evaluation, assessment or test, it means the same thing for our purposes. All comprehensive evaluations involve assessment, interview, questionnaires and tests.

What is an example of psychological evaluation?

This usually includes a video intake session which can last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. We then conduct an additional in-person clinical interview along with a gamut of tests that are especially suited to each patient’s needs, and sometimes additional projective measures. This testing process may last one day or it may be spread out over several days. After tests are complete we may reach out to ask family members, teachers at school, friend group, etc. with the patient’s permission to learn more about mental health issues and symptoms. After all of the information is collected, a report is made and a video feedback session is conducted to discuss the mental health results and offer recommendations. The goal of the evaluation is to understand the nature of what the individual may be experiencing and to make recommendations for treatment or other support services.


Psychological evaluation test questions are designed to assess a range of mental health issues, including but not limited to autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, depression, anxiety, trauma, disorders, addiction, substance abuse, crisis, recovery and intellectual abilities. 

Are there any age restrictions for psychological evaluations?

Sometimes, but typically, no. While certain tests are designed for specific age ranges, there are no age restrictions. We have experience successfully working with both children and adults and can formulate batteries for different age ranges.

What is the purpose of psychological evaluation?

The purpose of a psychological evaluation is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual being assessed, that often includes an overall diagnostic impression. This understanding can be used to make recommendations for treatment, educational planning, work or school accommodations or other support services. Typically treatment is better informed once an official mental diagnosis is made by a psychologist.

Why would I need psychological testing?

Psychological testing may be recommended when an individual is experiencing difficulties that are impacting their daily functioning. Testing can help to identify the nature of the problem and make recommendations for treatment, therapy or other support services.

How do I prepare for a psychological test?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to prepare for an evaluation psychological testing will vary depending on the specific test being administered. However, it is generally recommended that you get a good night's sleep before the testing day and that you eat a healthy breakfast to help keep your energy level up. You should also avoid drinking alcohol or using drugs before the assessment, as these substances can affect your test performance. If you have any questions about how to prepare for a specific mental test please feel free to contact us.

What do I need to bring to a psychological assessment?

In most cases, all you will need to bring to a psychological assessment is yourself. However, there may be some cases in which you will need to bring records or other documents with you to the assessment. If this is the case then we will let you know what you need to bring in advance.

I'm feeling really nervous about my tests. Is this normal?

It is perfectly normal to feel nervous about taking a mental health evaluation. Many people feel anxious about being evaluated, but this anxiety usually goes away once the questions begin. If you are feeling particularly nervous, you can try some relaxation techniques beforehand, such as deep breathing or mental visualization. Remember that our entire staff has years of training and education and we’re very passionate about what we do. We are there to help you and are not there to judge you.

What should I do if I feel uncomfortable?

While it is extremely rare for people to report that they are uncomfortable during an assessment, if you are feeling uncomfortable at any point you should let the psychologist know your concerns. The assessment should be a safe and supportive environment, and you have the right to stop the assessment at any time if you feel like it is not a good fit for you.

Can I have someone in the room when I am being tested?

In most cases, you will be alone in the room with the psychologist during the assessment. Studies have shown that both adults and children respond very differently in the presence of other people, even their parents. So it’s important that we get the most accurate and authentic answers possible from the individual being tested. However, there may be some cases in which it is appropriate for someone else to be in the room, such as for children who have too much separation anxiety from their parents to cooperate with the testing or if you have a disability that requires assistance. If you have any questions about who should be in the room during the assessment please feel free to contact us.

How long does the psychologist take?

The length of a psychological evaluation varies depending on the specific goals of the assessment and the type of psychological questionnaire being used. In general, however, you can expect the in-person testing for a comprehensive evaluation to take up to eight hours and could be spread over multiple days. However, some types of testing, such as cognitive evaluations, may only take 2-3 hours.

What happens after the assessment is complete?

After the assessment is complete, we will review, score and interpret the data. We will then schedule a feedback session to go over the results of the evaluation and provide recommendations. Following feedback, a finalized report that includes very detailed results and any recommendations for a program or other support help will be sent to you.

What if I don't like the results or I need more help?

The psychological assessment results are confidential, and you will not be required to share them with anyone unless you give your permission. Likewise, if you do not like your assessment results, you can choose not to share them with anyone. However, it is important to remember that while you may not like or agree with the results, they did come from an unbiased professional with extensive experience and training that has no motivation other than to provide an accurate diagnosis based on real evidence. The goal of all our staff is to help attain a better understanding of our patients with the motives of helping better guide their treatment and improve their mental health symptoms and quality of life. Regular therapy sessions with a therapist where processing of your reactions to the report are recommended and can help better understand and alleviate distress related to the results. 

Good Faith Estimate

According to the No Surprises Act, as of 01/01/2022, you have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give clients who don’t have insurance, or who are not using insurance, an estimate of the expected charges for medical services.

You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services. You can ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service. If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. You will receive a copy of your Good Faith Estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit

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